future for Cat6500 (was: re: [nsp] 6509 strange behaviour)

Ryan O'Connell ryan-nsp at complicity.co.uk
Thu Feb 13 21:56:58 EST 2003

On 13 Feb 2003 13:51:50 -0800 Christopher McCrory <chrismcc at pricegrabber.com> wrote:
> I imagine the CatOS will be around for awhile, but it seems to me the
> future is pure IOS.  yes? no? maybe?

The Cat4000 SupIII *only* supports IOS - there's no CatOS image for it at
all. So the future looks to be an IOS only one.

Later IOSes, with "interface range" and "show int status" are much eaiser
to use than the earlier ones too.

      Ryan O'Connell
Mail: ryan at complicity.co.uk
  CV: http://www.complicity.co.uk/ryancv.pdf
      CCIE #8174

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