[nsp] Ideas on how to handle VTC's across multiple Frame-Relay circuit s.

Shalosky, Brian K Mr CONT USAREC Brian.Shalosky at usarec.army.mil
Wed Feb 26 15:53:16 EST 2003

I need to be able to hold multiple VTC's over IP to a remote site.
I have a remote site that has a Cisco 3620 running  12.2(12b).
I have a Primary FRASI (Frame Relay to ATM) link that is a 768kb Port 384kb
In addition I also have a Frame-Relay point to point that has a 1536kb Port
and CIR of 64kb and
Another PVC with a CIR of 16kb.  Bringing my total to 3 circuits that feed
that location.
                            Remote Site
                            /               \
                         /                    \
                      /                         \
                Router                      Router    
                   A                              B
             (cisco 7507)               (cisco 7507)
Router A has the FRASI (384kb) and the 16kb circuits.
Router B has the 64kb circuit.
My problem with this is they need two 384kb video teleconferences running at
the same time.  I 
Need to be able to route one VTC system over one circuit and the other VTC
system over another.
Is this possible?
What are my options to do the following?
1.	Besides using EIGRP to balance the load and decide what path to use
how can I 
Force traffic down a specific circuit.  (I do this via bandwith statements
2.	Force certain hosts on the remote side to talk across a specific
3.	Still allow normal Wide Area Traffic to traverse one of these main
Anyone out there doing VTC's over IP that can help?
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