[c-nsp] VOIP QoS on frame-ATM link

Christopher J. Wolff chris at bblabs.com
Fri Nov 19 12:59:41 EST 2004

Dear List;

I have a frame relay circuit that terminates in a 2621XM.  The other end of
this circuit is merged into an ATM DS3 that terminates in a 7513.

The customer is running voip on this circuit and needs some QoS parameters
applied.  I have the following successfully prioritizing RTP on the 2621XM
WAN output side but I need some recommendations on what to do on the ATM
side.  CCO has plenty of docs for frame but not the reciprocal docs for the
ATM IPVC...  Thank you very much in advance.

2621XM side...

class-map match-all voice-signaling
  match access-group 103
class-map match-all voice-traffic
  match access-group 102
policy-map voice-policy
  class voice-traffic
    priority 768
  class voice-signaling
   bandwidth 128
  class class-default

interface Serial0/0
 description Frame_Relay
 no ip address
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip accounting access-violations
 encapsulation frame-relay IETF
 no ip route-cache
 no ip mroute-cache
 no fair-queue
 frame-relay traffic-shaping
interface Serial0/0.100 point-to-point
 ip address
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 no ip proxy-arp
 ip accounting access-violations
 ip nat outside
 no ip route-cache
 ip ospf network broadcast
 no ip mroute-cache
 frame-relay interface-dlci 16   
  class VOIPovFR

map-class frame-relay VOIPovFR
 no frame-relay adaptive-shaping
 frame-relay cir 896000
 frame-relay mincir 896000
 service-policy output voice-policy

access-list 102 permit udp any any range 16384 32767
access-list 103 permit tcp any any range 5000 6000

......7513 side

interface ATM8/0/0.91 point-to-point
 description Frame Relay
 mtu 1500
 bandwidth 896
 ip address
 ip ospf network broadcast
 no ip mroute-cache
 class-int fr-voip
 pvc 1/122
  protocol ip broadcast
  ubr 1700
  oam-pvc manage
  encapsulation aal5snap

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