[c-nsp] 6509 Sup720-3B with 6816-GBIC and DFC

Ian Cox icox at cisco.com
Tue Sep 7 16:30:23 EDT 2004

At 11:31 AM 9/7/2004 -0500, Sam Munzani wrote:
>comments inline,
>>>Which brings up another question for me: Can you use any of the DFC3s
>>>(WS-F6700-DFC3B, WS-F6700-DFC3A, WS-F6700-DFC3BXL) on any line card that
>>>supports DFC3s?
>>The WS-F6700-xxx DFCs only function on the WS-X67xx series line cards. It 
>>has a totally different connector to the one that is required for the 
>>WS-X6516s, and WS-X6816 module, they require the WS-F6K-xxx DFCs. The 
>>DFC3b, DFC3bXL DFCs for WS-X615s and WS-X6816 have not been released yet. 
>>Contact your account team to get the FCS date for these DFCs.
>This is what we have plans to purchase and our Account Team blessed it.
>We wanted to use Distributed Forwarding on all our Gig ports and were told 
>to purchase DFC3A daughter card for it.
>1. Are these compatible?

Yes, because it is a "WS-F6K" and your installing it on a WX-X6516A, the 
WS-X67xx cards take WS-F6700-xxx DFCs.

>2. Do thoese SFP gig ports on Sup720 need DFC or is it built in since the 
>ports are physically on Sup module?

The Supervisor GE ports switching is controlled by the PFCx that is part of 
the Supervisor.

>3. Will EoMPLS work with this hardware?

No. EoMPLS requires DFC3b or DFC3bXL along with a Supervisor with PFC3b or 
PFC3bXL. You could have EoMPLS supported on the above configuration if you 
do not install the WS-F6K-DFC3A= on the WS-X6516A-GBIC= module and the 
Supervisor is a PFC3b or PFC3bXL based Supervisor. If you wish to have 
EoMPLS and DFCs for all Gig ports I would recommend changing the Gigabit 
card listed above to a WS-X6724 (It uses SFPs instead of GBICs) with a 
WS-F6700-DFC3b or 3bXL DFC.


>We don't need it now but see a value for it in near term.
>The idea of WUP720-3B was dropped since there is no DFC3B available 
>today(Was required before e-rate grant request)
>Thanks a lot in advance,

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