[c-nsp] Upgrading 7513 - WAS: Troubleshooting Lag between GigEinterfaces

Rodney Dunn rodunn at cisco.com
Fri Sep 24 12:02:37 EDT 2004

Agree on all points.

It's all about CPU resources.  Think of a
VIP as a minirouter.  If you turn on dCEF you
are now asking the VIP to do all the work for
packets coming in/out those ports that the RSP
was handling before.

So if your RSP can handle X pps with Y features when
it has Z horsepower and you then move that work to
a VIP that doesn't have the same ability you will
have trouble.

But the point is with distributed you have more smaller
boards and as a total they can do more work than a
single centralized processor. ala: distributed

A VIP2-50 isn't that fast.

I would look at a GEIP+ and for any other VIP boards
go with a 4-80 or 6-80 and run dCEF.

Once you do that your RSP should only be doing control
plane work so unless you need the extra memory or horsepower
for convergence type stuff at the control plane it doesn't
buy you much.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 05:45:49PM +0200, Oliver Boehmer oboehmer" wrote:
> Paul.
> > 
> > When I try to enable dCef I get memory errors from slot 8 and 9 which
> > are GEIP controllers.  Should I upgrade to GEIP+ ?  What's the
> > difference between the plus and non-plus version?  Is there any memory
> > upgrades that can be done to our existing GEIP (32 meg)?
> GEIP is based on VIP2-50, GEIP+ on VIP4-80.. so the + is more
> performant, has ECC memory, boils mainly down to the differences between
> 2-50 and 4-80.
> > The RSP's are RSP4's .... should I look at moving up the CPU level
> > somewhat (better safe than sorry)?
> Only if you anticipate the 256MB DRAM is not enough.. ECC DRAM in RSP8
> is also a +, but you will probably not need to worry about CPU speed..
> > Finally, the VIP's are VIP2-50... this should probably be upgraded as
> > well? 
> make sure you'll upgrade to 128 MB DRAM..
> > Sorry for the generic questions but I'm trying to figure out if we're
> > just going to gut the insides of the  7513 are we better to upgrade
> > or look at a new router? 
> depends on the requirements and the budget.. If you were previously
> RSP-switching, my guess is that dCEF will give you enough performance
> gain for the short future.. 
> 	oli

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