[c-nsp] Virtual-Access Interfacse doesn't forward traffic

Oliver Boehmer (oboehmer) oboehmer at cisco.com
Wed Feb 9 03:07:55 EST 2005

>>> interface Virtual-Template5
>> [..]
>>>  ip tcp adjust-mss 1402
>> possibly some issues related to adjust-mss? This would explain why
>> you pass ICMP, but no TCP traffic? Does UDP work?
> That would be bad, as i need adjust-mss. But why is it working while
> it is process switched?

it's a different switching path. Do you see this problem on all vaccess
interfaces? Do you see this in different IOS releases as well? Do you
need 12.3(11)T for a particular feature, or could you also use 12.3M or
a lower 12.3T release? Can you open a TAC case?


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