[c-nsp] Best Router for 3-6 gigabit ethernet interface routing?

Asbjorn Hojmark - Lists lists at hojmark.org
Sat Jul 8 18:58:24 EDT 2006

> My understanding was that the only oversubscription in 3750's 
> was on 48 port models which still use a 32 gbps backplane (and
> stacking ring).  

It's eight ports per Sasquatch, the ASIC that connects to the
stacking ring (which *is* the backplane, even if there's only
one switch). The ring is a dual-rotating 16 Gbps thing, so, as
far as I can see, more like 16 Gbps full duplex than 32 Gbps.

I'd be surprised to see it do 24 ports at wire rate.

... But that's not what it's positioned for, of cause. If you
want that kind of performance, go with the 4948G: 48 ports at
wire rate, 4 us latency, 100 Mpps. They kick ass.


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