[c-nsp] Catalyst WS-C3524-PWR-XL

Jason Berenson jason at pins.net
Fri Apr 25 17:32:21 EDT 2008


This is one of those questions that may seem obvious to others but the 
answer just isn't apparent to me.  I have a Catalyst WS-C3524-PWR-XL at 
a site with the default VLAN 1 and an IP on it for management.  I don't 
have console access to it at this time.

I want to change the default VLAN to 122 and put an IP there so I can 
manage it on a different VLAN.  Once I do:

interface VLAN122
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 no ip route-cache

it immediately shuts it down.  I've tried a no shut as well as shutting 
down VLAN 1 (had to do a reload in 2 to make sure it would come back).  
Any ideas how to change the default VLAN remotely or do I have to do 
this from the console?


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