[c-nsp] WLC discovery

A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Thu Jun 11 04:44:29 EDT 2009


> The only other things you can do are check firewalls between subnets (make
> sure both IPs are allowed, etc). You can try a few 'debug [...]' commands on
> the controller, but what you may really need is a ladder.


the AP joins..and then goes. when you move to l3 mode you rely on
information such as DHCP responses of DNS entries for the AP to
know what controller to talk to...hmm, but the AP does talk to
the controller at some point. AP debugging seems to be the best choice
here - normally the output will be screaming out the issue.

I wonder if its joining, being told about a firmware update...unable
to get that firmware update (via TFTP..cant recall) across the 
L3 link due to ACLs and then either just sitting there pretty or going
through the cycle again?


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