[c-nsp] Network Change Management

john heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Tue Aug 17 11:51:22 EDT 2010

Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 09:18:28AM -0500, Jeff Wojciechowski:
> All:
> I know there are tools out there like RANCID that help manage configuration changes but we want something that will be able to be able to have a system that will not only be able to document what changes were made, but to also document why.

not the most efficient method and requires discipline, but one could
annotate the CVS or SVN versions (cvs admin -m rev:msg file or svnadmin
setlog -r rev file) generated by rancid SCM commits for documentation.
you can also tag or branch to create named sets, such as replace_foundry.

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