[c-nsp] vs ace and port nat loadbalancing

Arne Larsen / Region Nordjylland arla at rn.dk
Sat Jul 13 09:59:56 EDT 2013

Hi all

Can someone give me a hint to overcome this problem.
I'we got to load balance over 4 physical servers each running 6 Weblogic containers.
Each container is run on a specific tcp port but also using rpc ports on the server.
There are stickyness on the sessions, to ensure that the user hits the same server based on jsessionid.
I load balance the vip to hit the containers port by nating the srv port to the dst port, but I'm not allowed to nat the rpc port.
Can I make a new policy using a new serverfarm and the same sticky serverfarm for the rpc call's, which is defined for the service ports.


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