[c-nsp] err-disable state on a cisco 3750 catalyst

Olivier CALVANO o.calvano at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 14:41:57 EDT 2016


i have a big problems with one cisco 3750 :

Jul 12 17:30:36.218: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: channel-misconfig error detected on
Gi1/0/1, putting Gi1/0/1 in err-disable state
Jul 12 17:30:36.856: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: channel-misconfig error detected on
Po1, putting Gi1/0/1 in err-disable state
Jul 12 17:30:36.856: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: channel-misconfig error detected on
Po1, putting Po1 in err-disable state

The port is in err-disable regularly .. a shut and no shut that's restart

C3750#sh errdisable detect
ErrDisable Reason      Detection    Mode
-----------------      ---------    ----
arp-inspection          Enabled      port
bpduguard               Enabled      port
channel-misconfig       Enabled      port
community-limit         Enabled      port
dhcp-rate-limit         Enabled      port
dtp-flap                Enabled      port
gbic-invalid            Disabled
inline-power            Enabled      port
invalid-policy          Enabled      port
l2ptguard               Enabled      port
link-flap               Enabled      port
loopback                Enabled      port
lsgroup                 Enabled      port
mac-limit               Enabled      port
pagp-flap               Enabled      port
port-mode-failure       Enabled      port
psecure-violation       Enabled      port/vlan
security-violation      Enabled      port
sfp-config-mismatch     Enabled      port
small-frame             Enabled      port
storm-control           Enabled      port
udld                    Enabled      port
vmps                    Enabled      port

there is a solution to disable the errdisable on this type of switch?

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