[c-nsp] Cisco 6509 / WS-CAC-6000W OUTPUT FAIL

"Rolf Hanßen" nsp at rhanssen.de
Mon Mar 13 11:02:03 EDT 2017


I have an issue with a C6509 shortly before it will be replaced. ;)
PS2 shows OUTPUT FAIL (both inputs ok), I already replaced it, no change.
sh power shows 3780 Watt for PS2, what is that value?

system power redundancy mode = redundant
system power redundancy operationally = non-redundant
system power total =     5771.64 Watts (137.42 Amps @ 42V)
system power used =      2815.26 Watts (67.03 Amps @ 42V)
system power available = 2956.38 Watts (70.39 Amps @ 42V)
                        Power-Capacity PS-Fan Output Oper
PS   Type               Watts   A @42V Status Status State
---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------ ------ -----
1    WS-CAC-6000W       5771.64 137.42 OK     OK     on
2    WS-CAC-6000W       3780.00 90.00  -      -      off
                        Pwr-Allocated  Oper
Fan  Type               Watts   A @42V State
---- ------------------ ------- ------ -----
1    WS-C6509-E-FAN      210.00  5.00  OK
                        Pwr-Requested  Pwr-Allocated  Admin Oper
Slot Card-Type          Watts   A @42V Watts   A @42V State State
---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ----- -----
1    WS-X6748-GE-TX      325.50  7.75   325.50  7.75  on    on
2    WS-X6748-GE-TX      325.50  7.75   325.50  7.75  on    on
3    WS-X6748-GE-TX      325.50  7.75   325.50  7.75  on    on
5    WS-SUP720-3B        282.24  6.72   282.24  6.72  on    on
6    (Redundant Sup)       -     -      282.24  6.72  -     -
7    WS-X6704-10GE       295.26  7.03   295.26  7.03  on    on
8    WS-X6708-10GE       473.76 11.28   473.76 11.28  on    on
9    WS-X6704-10GE       295.26  7.03   295.26  7.03  on    on
system auxiliary power mode = off
system auxiliary power redundancy operationally = non-redundant
system primary connector power limit =   10920.00 Watts (260.00 Amps @ 42V)
system auxiliary connector power limit = 10500.00 Watts (250.00 Amps @ 42V)
system primary power used =              2815.26 Watts (67.03 Amps @ 42V)
system auxiliary power used =            0 Watt

Anyone seen such behaviour yet?
Maybe chassis defective?

kind regards

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