[c-nsp] Resilient Ethernet Protocol (REP)

michalis.bersimis at hq.cyta.gr michalis.bersimis at hq.cyta.gr
Thu Jan 11 08:28:11 EST 2018

I don't have a ME3600 that in ME3800 I have used the following configuration , which applies only xconnect to the whole interface, and can pass all frames inside the EoMPLS tunnel

Me 3600 PE1:
interface GigabitEthernet0/xx
no switchport
 mtu 9216
 no ip address
service-policy input ratelimit_200Mb
xconnect xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 100 encapsulation mpls

Me 3600 PE2:
interface GigabitEthernet0/yy
no switchport
 mtu 9216
 no ip address
service-policy input ratelimit_200Mb
xconnect yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy 100 encapsulation mpls

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