[c-nsp] Seamless MPLS interacting with flat LDP domains

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Tue Apr 30 10:46:49 EDT 2019

On 30/Apr/19 16:00, Robert Raszuk wrote:
> Yes Mark ... numerous both in WAN and DC space.
> In fact entire Contrail was based on L3VPN over UDP/IP too. So is EVPN
> in number of real life deployments.
> All vendors support it too, but their marketing is scared that they
> will loose $$$ as it will open much easier market penetration by new
> vendors so they like to keep you tight to LDP :)

I know of the existence of the tech., but haven't heard anyone publicly
claiming deployment (SR, anyone?).

If you can hint of at least one transport network my way, I'm happy to
let that can of worms drop to the floor :-).


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