[cisco-voip] Does CCM get Charging Units from gateway?

Wes Sisk wsisk at cisco.com
Tue Oct 5 11:07:55 EDT 2004

I have read several illusions to CDR's being stored temporarily 
somewhere in the SNMP MIB in the cisco router so they can be retreived.  
That might be worth a shot.  Limitation as I recall is that it's only 
stored for a short period of time.  Similar to the "sh  call history 
voice" output in IOS.

Anthony Baxter wrote:

> Walenta, Phil wrote:
>> However, you can have the gateway generate Call Detail and 
> > send it to a syslog server if you so choose.
> Remember that syslog is extremely unreliable. In a past life
> I tried doing billing based on syslog, and found that I was
> missing records for something like 30% of calls (this was
> modem calls rather than voice calls, but the same caveats
> apply). Syslog is not designed for this, and it's really
> not a great match for accurate billing.
> Anthony

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