[cisco-voip] Bogen TAM-B to VIC2-2FXS

Lelio Fulgenzi lelio at uoguelph.ca
Sat Jan 6 18:48:18 EST 2007

We have TAM-Bs working on VG248's without incident. I have a spare one I could test with an FXS port, but I'd have to jury rig something to test it going to a boombox or something. Actually I could probably test it and as long as it answered, it should be good enough, eh?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Singleton 
  To: cisco-voip 
  Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 5:40 PM
  Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Bogen TAM-B to VIC2-2FXS

  On Fri, 2007-01-05 at 12:35 -0600, Kris Seraphine wrote:
  > Hi
  > Does anyone have a Bogen TAM-B connected to a FXS port in a router for
  > overhead paging working successfully? 

  I do not have one currently. I had a TAMB connected to an FXS port on an
  NM-HDA card in a 2600 router once. That location was upgraded to a 2811
  and in the process, we moved paging to a port on an ATA-188.

  > but as I look at the Bogen specs now it wants 90 volts for ring
  > voltage and I don't think the FXS ports can supply that much.

  Are you troubleshooting a TAMB that won't answer or are you planning
  ahead? I think I'd just try it before I worried about it too much...


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