[cisco-voip] FXS ports stuck in WAIT_RELEASE state
Andrew F. Wolfe
deadpool.slayer.telecomm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 09:16:08 EST 2007
I looked to see if there was one assigned already and had come across that
test voiceport command already by accident. This didn't resolve anything.
I have done the tests on the dsp's using the test voice port port-number
si-reg-read 39 1 and the test voice port port-number codec-debug 10 1 and
TAC says that the output looks normal. Thanks for your help on this. I am
going to keep posting on this as I find an answer and get more information.
On 1/4/07, Ryan O'Connell <Roconnell at unislumin.com> wrote:
> Sounds like a dsp issue.
> Do a "show voice dsp" check to see if a DSP is assigned to the problem FXS
> port.
> If so, there is a way to reset the dsp without rebooting the router.
> First turn on "debug vpm signal" so you can verify it resets
> Then you can reload the dsp's by issuing hidden command
> "Test voiceport driver"
> If you are using the 5510 DSPs pick which slot you have it loaded in. Then
> follow the menu's to reset the DSP's.
> WARNING!! This resets the DSP's and you will lose active calls if you have
> any, but you do not need to reload the router to bring the bum FXS back.
> Please note that you should open a case with TAC and ask them to recommend a
> stable DSP firmware for the platform you are running. You can find out what
> firmware you are running by using "Show Voice dsp"
> cheers
> *Ryan O'Connell CCIE VOICE #13382
> *Network Consultant
> UNIS LUMIN - Technology Based Business Solutions
> Phone: 888.475.0432 x290
> Mobile: 403.990.1275
> roconnell at unislumin.com <http://www.unislumin.com/>
> http://www.unislumin.com
> ------------------------------
> *From:* cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto:
> cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] *On Behalf Of *Brian E. Wyland
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 04, 2007 1:09 PM
> *To:* Andrew F. Wolfe; cisco-voip
> *Subject:* Re: [cisco-voip] FXS ports stuck in WAIT_RELEASE state
> What IOS are you running on those routers? I had this issue with the XC
> track of the IOS.
> I had a similar issue earlier this year that was IOS related. I have
> also heard of the bad DSP issue, but in my case it was IOS related and
> cleared up after I changed the IOS version I was running.
> -- Brian Wyland
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Andrew F. Wolfe [mailto:deadpool.slayer.telecomm at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 04, 2007 1:18 PM
> *To:* cisco-voip
> *Subject:* Re: [cisco-voip] FXS ports stuck in WAIT_RELEASE state
> Has anyone found an answer on this? My third day on the job and I was
> given this same issue for a customer and it is happening on 4 separate
> routers. Since they are in production we cannot reload the router. Has
> anyone....
> 1. Found a way to clear the port without reloading the router?
> 2. Found a fix or workaround?
> TAC has not provided us with anything thus far. The only thing they have
> given us is to reload the router to clear the port and then after the reload
> do the following debugs
> debug vpm signal
> debug voip ccapi inout
> debug voip vtsp all
> Then watch for the port to lock. Let me know if anyone has anymore
> insight on this. Thaks.
> On 11/20/06, *Kevin Hoffer* <kevinh at bcinetworks.net> wrote:
> Funny you say this. I have a VocalData (Teklec) System and I am having the
> same issue. TAC pointed to Vocaldata, and Vocaldata is telling me it's a
> Cisco Bug but they are putting in a workaround.
> Kevin
> ------------------------------
> *From:* cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto: cisco-voip
> -bounces at puck.nether.net] *On Behalf Of *Kris Seraphine
> *Sent:* Monday, November 20, 2006 9:44 AM
> *To:* cisco-voip
> *Subject:* [cisco-voip] FXS ports stuck in WAIT_RELEASE state
> >From time to time I have customers who have problems with FXS ports'locking up'.
> In most cases when this happens the port will be stuck in the
> S_WAIT_RELEASE state like so.
> I've not found any way to clear this except reloading the router. I'm
> wondering if anyone can give me some insight as to why this happens and if
> there's a way to clear the port when it does.
> In this particular case, the connected device is a fax machine. Is it
> possible that the fax machine is causing some voltage on the line that is
> seizing the port? If so, can anyone recommend a surge protector to protect
> against this?
> This particular customer is running a 2821 with a HD-NM and 12.4(XC)4 but
> I've had the problem with VIC2-4FXS/DID cards as well.
> Thanks
> --
> kris seraphine
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