[cisco-voip] H.323 Gateway PRI selection

CarlosOrtiz at bayviewfinancial.com CarlosOrtiz at bayviewfinancial.com
Wed Jun 6 14:24:00 EDT 2007

We have a new H.323 Gateway that will have 4 PRI's.  2 PRI's will be 
grouped together and present one caller  ID.  Each of the remaining 2 
PRI's will have their own caller ID (3 total different Caller ID's).  How 
can you select a specific PRI to be used so that the correct caller ID is 
shown depending on which phone dials outboud?  I should be able to prepend 
a digit on Call Mgr to the 3 different route patterns (different 
partitions) and then route the call based on the leading digit found on 
the H.323 GW.  I know I can do this via MGCP easily as well.  Any other 
good ideas or thoughts about this via H.323?

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