[cisco-voip] add a 10 sec delay before agent takes next call

Erick Bergquist erickbe at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 12 15:11:50 EDT 2007

Whats wrong with automatic work for 10 seconds?  That is kind of the reason behind that feature. 

If they need to be in Ready and not taking calls, and you want a delay, the only other way I can think of doing it is by adding a 10 second delay to the script before the connect step but that would effect all calls. 

----- Original Message ----
From: James Grace <jgrace at adcapnet.com>
To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:29:31 AM
Subject: [cisco-voip] add a 10 sec delay before agent takes next call


is there a way to add a 10 
sec delay before agent takes next call.  i know that we can set the wrapup 
timer in the administrator.  but the agents have to go into WORK state 
first.  we want the agent to stay in READY and just have a breather before 
the next call is presented.  is this ability there.


James Grace 


Systems Engineer

Adcap Network Systems, 

6865 Shiloh Road East, Suite 

Alpharetta, GA 




jgrace at adcapnet.com


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