[cisco-voip] FN - 63174 - Cisco Unified Communicatons Manager - ccm and cti crashes after 248 days on timer expirery....

Thorsten.Mayr at barclayscapital.com Thorsten.Mayr at barclayscapital.com
Fri Nov 7 12:19:31 EST 2008

>From CCO:

Problem Description:
After 248 days of system uptime the Cisco CallManager service and the
Cisco CTIManager service will crash.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager has an internal system timer that
monitors system uptime along with other components. Cisco has found that
once this internal timer value reaches 248 days, the internal value is
mis-handled, causing Cisco CallManager and Cisco CTIManager services to

It is recommended that customers schedule a reboot of affected nodes
before 248 days of system uptime elapses (since the last reboot).
Note: You must reboot the server to restart the timer to 248 days. Cisco
CallManager or Cisco CTIManager service restarts alone will not reset
the timer.
To verify system uptime, perform the following CLI command on each node
in the cluster.
show status

Thought other ppl might interested in the above - I have opened a case
with  HTTS to clarify if the CTI Manager / CCM Service  already crashed
and the uptime is greater 248 days, whether a restart is still required
or not. Will post outcome back into the group so not everybody has to
ask HTTS/TAC/CROS whoever... as soon as BU team has clarified this.

Pls check the Fiel Notice if your version of CallManager is affected or



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