[cisco-voip] Unity Unified Messaging 5x/7x > Call Handler

Jason Aarons (US) jason.aarons at us.didata.com
Thu Sep 11 15:43:36 EDT 2008

In Callmanager you can add a Translation Pattern 5XXX to 5101
(Receptionist). If someone mis-dials a number or number that doesn't
exist in database it goes to Receptionist.


How can I do the same thing in Unity Unified Messaging 5x/7x?

Currently for Dial-by-number in the main Opening Greeting there are 100+
call handlers built as "Transfer" Call Handlers.  Eg CallHandler
"UserXFer  7199  7376" extension 7376 does a Call Transfer > Ring a
Subscriber at this extension:  7199 (Receptionist)  The user at 7376 is
no longer with the company and his subscriber mailbox was deleted and
the transfer call handler created.


I'd like to get rid of these transfer Call Handlers, yet allow someone
to enter a number that isn't assigned to subscriber be transferred to
the Receptionist.


Not sure if a Call Routing rule could replace all these transfer Call


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