[cisco-voip] 911 issue

Eric Brander mailinglists at rednarb.com
Mon Jul 19 21:09:00 EDT 2010

On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 6:11 PM,  <lelio at uoguelph.ca> wrote:
> I think you are on the right track, route pattern, route group, etc.
> Do you have external masks on each extension and check use calling mask on
> each pattern? Or do you put the mask in the route pattern itself?
> You might want to also check with your service provider. Some will override
> whatever you put on a 911 call with your billing number unless you have made
> alternate arrangements.
> Some things to look at.
I'm not sure if it's related but our 911 never takes the CLID that we
present. It always uses the billing telephone number for our account,
which we didn't actually use as a working telephone number so when
someone screwed up and dialed 911 by mistake, the police would call
back and get a fast-busy - and then of course have to send a deputy to


Eric N. Brander

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