[cisco-voip] CBWFQ over PPPoE over L2TP

Joseph Mays mays at win.net
Fri Sep 9 15:46:24 EDT 2011

Okay, next up. We have a number an ATM connection running L2TP to Bell South 
in order to provide DSL lines through the Bell South network.

I've applied the policy maps to all the router interfaces on the path from 
the AS5400's (incoming voice trunks) to the gateway router with the 
connection to Bell South. All the interfaces show the policy maps active and 
"doing stuff" except for the virtual interfaces, which show no policy map 

When I add --

"service policy output queue-on-dscp" to the virtual template for the DSL 
connections, I get the following message for each active virtual 
interface --

"Class Based Weighted Fair Queueing will be applied only to the 
Virtual-Access interfaces associated with an MLP bundle"

If I "show policy-map"on the virtual interfaces they don't show the policy 

So how do I make the service policy active for the virtual interfaces (which 
are created by the following template):

interface Virtual-Template1
 description Bellsouth ADSL PPPoE template
 ip unnumbered Loopback100
 ip verify unicast reverse-path
 ip route-cache flow
 no peer default ip address
 ppp max-bad-auth 4
 ppp mtu adaptive
 ppp authentication chap pap
 ppp chap hostname winnet-kydsl-1
 service-policy output queue-on-dscp

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