[cisco-voip] restart servers after COP files installed on all servers or as each server install is finished?

Lelio Fulgenzi lelio at uoguelph.ca
Fri Jan 13 10:34:44 EST 2012

I opened a case with the TAC to get some assistance with respect to installing multiple COP files. They suggested that I install all COP files then proceed with the restart of the cluster. However, they also suggested that I install the COP files on all the servers first and then restart the cluster. 

If I have to wait until all the servers have their files installed before rebooting, it's going to be a much longer service interruption since phones won't have a server to connect to once the backups are gone. 

I'd rather (if allowed) restart the server after the files are installed. 

Also, the instructions say to use the web browser to do the install, is there an option to use the CLI? 


Lelio Fulgenzi, B.A. 
Senior Analyst (CCS) * University of Guelph * Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 
(519) 824-4120 x56354 (519) 767-1060 FAX (ANNU) 
Cooking with unix is easy. You just sed it and forget it. 
- LFJ (with apologies to Mr. Popeil) 

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