[cisco-voip] Auto Attendant and Voicemail Uc 560

Eric Robiam eric1999k at gmail.com
Mon May 27 08:35:53 EDT 2013


I need to setup the feature of Auto attendant and voice-mail in my uc 560
and ive try to configer my system but am not getting any response please
see the below cli and advice

ip dhcp relay information trust-all
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool phone
 option 150 ip
ip name-server
ip name-server
ip inspect log drop-pkt
ip inspect WAAS flush-timeout 10
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
stcapp ccm-group 1
parameter-map type inspect global
 log dropped-packets enable
trunk group Local_Calls
 max-retry 5
 voice-class cause-code 1
 hunt-scheme sequential
trunk group All_Calls
 max-retry 5
 voice-class cause-code 1
 hunt-scheme round-robin
trunk group Airtel_Mobile
 max-retry 5
 voice-class cause-code 1
 hunt-scheme sequential
trunk group Tigo_Mobile
 max-retry 5
 voice-class cause-code 1
 hunt-scheme sequential
trunk group Vodacom_Mobile
 max-retry 5
 voice-class cause-code 1
 hunt-scheme sequential
voice call send-alert
voice rtp send-recv
voice service voip
 allow-connections h323 to h323
 allow-connections h323 to sip
 allow-connections sip to h323
 allow-connections sip to sip
 supplementary-service h450.12
  no update-callerid
voice class codec 1
 codec preference 1 g711ulaw
 codec preference 2 g729r8
voice class cause-code 1
voice register global
voice translation-rule 1000
 rule 1 /.*/ //
voice translation-rule 1112
 rule 1 /^9/ //
voice translation-rule 2002
 rule 1 /^6/ //
voice translation-rule 2222
voice translation-profile CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 translate calling 1111
voice translation-profile CallBlocking
 translate called 2222
voice translation-profile OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 translate called 1112
voice translation-profile XFER_TO_VM_PROFILE
 translate redirect-called 2002
voice translation-profile nondialable
 translate called 1000
voice-card 0
license udi pid UC560-FXO-K9 sn FGL1553106E
 log config
  logging enable
  logging size 600
username admin privilege 15 secret 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ip tftp source-interface Vlan90
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_kazaa
 match protocol fasttrack
 match protocol kazaa2
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_edonkey
 match protocol edonkey
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_gnutella
 match protocol gnutella
class-map match-any sdm_p2p_bittorrent
 match protocol bittorrent
class-map match-any media
 match  dscp ef
class-map match-any signaling
 match  dscp cs3
 match  dscp af31
policy-map queue
 class signaling
  bandwidth percent 5
 class media
  priority percent 50
 class class-default
policy-map shape
 class class-default
  shape average 2000000
  service-policy queue
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
 bandwidth 2000
 ip address 41.188.xxx.xx
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 load-interval 30
 duplex auto
 speed auto
 service-policy output shape
interface Integrated-Service-Engine0/0
 description cue is initialized with default IMAP group
 ip unnumbered Vlan90
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
 service-module ip address
 service-module ip default-gateway
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0
 switchport mode trunk
 no ip address
 macro description cisco-switch | cisco-switch
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/1
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport voice vlan 100
 no ip address
 macro description cisco-switch
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2
 no ip address
 macro description cisco-desktop | cisco-desktop
 spanning-tree portfast
interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3
 description Interface used to communicate with integrated service module
 switchport access vlan 90
 no ip address
 service-module ip address
 service-module ip default-gateway
interface Vlan1
 ip address
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
interface Vlan90
 ip address
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
interface Vlan100
 ip address
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly in
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:/gui
ip dns server
ip nat inside source list 1 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 overload
ip route 41.188.XXX.XX
ip route Vlan90
access-list 1 remark SDM_ACL Category=2
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit
access-list 1 permit
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 permit
access-list 2 deny   any

voice-port 0/0/0
 cptone KE
 station-id number 4001
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/0/1
 cptone KE
 station-id number 4002
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/0/2
 cptone KE
 station-id number 4003
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/0/3
 cptone KE
 station-id number 4004
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/0
 trunk-group Local_Calls 64
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2000
 description Configured by CCA +255222667921-Local-Custom-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/1
 trunk-group All_Calls 64
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2001
 description Configured by CCA +255222668651-Int-Custom-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/2
 trunk-group All_Calls 63
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2000
 description Configured by CCA +255222667923-Int-Custom-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/1/3
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2000
 description Configured by CCA Reserve-Custom-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/0
 trunk-group Airtel_Mobile 64
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2000
 description Configured by CCA Airtel_Mobile-Custom-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/1
 trunk-group Tigo_Mobile 64
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2000
 description Configured by CCA Tigo_Mobile-Custom-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/2
 trunk-group Vodacom_Mobile 64
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2000
 description Configured by CCA Vodacom_Mobile-Custom-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/2/3
 cptone KE
 connection plar opx 2000
 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/2/3-OP
 caller-id enable
voice-port 0/4/0
 signal immediate
 input gain auto-control -15
 description Music On Hold Port
sccp local Vlan90
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 3.1
sccp ccm group 1
 associate ccm 1 priority 1
dial-peer cor custom
 name internal
 name local
 name local-plus
 name international
 name national
 name national-plus
 name emergency
 name toll-free
dial-peer cor list call-internal
 member internal
dial-peer cor list call-local
 member local
dial-peer cor list call-local-plus
 member local-plus
dial-peer cor list call-national
 member national
dial-peer cor list call-national-plus
 member national-plus
dial-peer cor list call-international
 member international
dial-peer cor list call-emergency
 member emergency
dial-peer cor list call-toll-free
 member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-internal
 member internal
 member emergency
dial-peer cor list user-local
 member internal
 member local
 member emergency
 member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-local-plus
 member internal
 member local
 member local-plus
 member emergency
 member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-national
 member internal
 member local
 member local-plus
 member national
 member emergency
 member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-national-plus
 member internal
 member local
 member local-plus
 member national
 member national-plus
 member emergency
 member toll-free
dial-peer cor list user-international
 member internal
 member local
 member local-plus
 member international
 member national
 member national-plus
 member emergency
 member toll-free
dial-peer voice 1 pots
 destination-pattern 4001
 port 0/0/0
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 2 pots
 destination-pattern 4002
 port 0/0/1
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 3 pots
 destination-pattern 4003
 port 0/0/2
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 4 pots
 destination-pattern 4004
 port 0/0/3
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 5 pots
 description ** MOH Port **
 destination-pattern ABC
 port 0/4/0
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 50 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 destination-pattern 9.T
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/1/0
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 51 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/1/1
dial-peer voice 52 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/1/2
dial-peer voice 53 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/1/3
dial-peer voice 100 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/2/0
dial-peer voice 101 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/2/1
dial-peer voice 102 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/2/2
dial-peer voice 103 pots
 description ** incoming dial peer **
 incoming called-number ^AAAA$
 port 0/2/3
dial-peer voice 57 pots
 corlist outgoing call-local
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Local Call**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 1
 destination-pattern 92......
 port 0/1/3
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 104 pots
 description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
 destination-pattern 9.T
 port 0/2/0
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 105 pots
 description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
 destination-pattern 9.T
 port 0/2/1
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 106 pots
 description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
 destination-pattern 9.T
 port 0/2/2
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 107 pots
 description ** FXO pots dial-peer **
 destination-pattern 9.T
 port 0/2/3
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 2000 voip
 description ** cue voicemail pilot number **
 translation-profile outgoing XFER_TO_VM_PROFILE
 destination-pattern 2099
 session protocol sipv2
 session target ipv4:
 voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4:
 dtmf-relay rtp-nte
 codec g711ulaw
 no vad
dial-peer voice 6 pots
 description "catch all dial peer for BRI/PRI"
 translation-profile incoming nondialable
 incoming called-number .%
dial-peer voice 70 pots
 trunkgroup All_Calls
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Nairobi**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 1
 destination-pattern 9005T
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 56 pots
 trunkgroup Local_Calls
 corlist outgoing call-local
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Local_Calls**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 1
 destination-pattern 92......
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 75 pots
 trunkgroup All_Calls
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*All Local mobiles**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 5
 destination-pattern 90[1-9]........
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 76 pots
 trunkgroup Vodacom_Mobile
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Uganda**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 5
 destination-pattern 9006T
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 77 pots
 trunkgroup Tigo_Mobile
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Uganda**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 5
 destination-pattern 9006T
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 78 pots
 trunkgroup All_Calls
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Uganda**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 5
 destination-pattern 9006T
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 79 pots
 trunkgroup Local_Calls
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Uganda**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 5
 destination-pattern 9006T
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 80 pots
 trunkgroup Airtel_Mobile
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Uganda**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 5
 destination-pattern 9006T
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 81 pots
 trunkgroup All_Calls
 corlist outgoing call-local
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*Local_Calls**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 10
 destination-pattern 92......
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 82 pots
 trunkgroup All_Calls
 description **CCA*Dar_Tz*International**
 translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE
 preference 5
 destination-pattern 9000T
 forward-digits all
 no sip-register
no dial-peer outbound status-check pots
 fxo hook-flash
 max-ephones 114
 max-dn 600
 ip source-address port 2000
 max-redirect 20
 auto assign 1 to 1 type bri
 calling-number initiator
 service phone videoCapability 1
 service phone ehookenable 1
 service dnis overlay
 service dnis dir-lookup
 timeouts interdigit 5
 system message Cisco Small Business
 url services
 url authentication
 cnf-file location flash:
 cnf-file perphone
 load 521G-524G cp524g-8-1-17
 load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-2-sr
 load 6941 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-2-sr
 load 6961 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-2-sr
 time-zone 32
 voicemail 2099
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 call-forward pattern .T
 hunt-group logout HLog
 moh flash:/media/music-on-hold_10db.au
 multicast moh port 2000

 transfer-system full-consult dss
 transfer-pattern 9.T
 transfer-pattern .T
 transfer-pattern 6.... blind
 transfer-pattern 6...
 secondary-dialtone 9
 night-service day Sun 17:00 09:00
 night-service day Mon 17:00 09:00
 night-service day Tue 17:00 09:00
 night-service day Wed 17:00 09:00
 night-service day Thu 17:00 09:00
 night-service day Fri 17:00 09:00
 night-service day Sat 17:00 09:00
 fac standard
 create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-template  15
 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress
 softkeys remote-in-use  Newcall
 softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd HLog Login
 softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
 softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park
 button-layout 7931 2
ephone-template  16
 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress
 softkeys remote-in-use  Newcall
 softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd HLog Login
 softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
 softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park
ephone-template  17
 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress
 softkeys remote-in-use  CBarge Newcall
 softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd HLog Login
 softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
 softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park
ephone-template  18
 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress
 softkeys remote-in-use  CBarge Newcall
 softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd HLog Login
 softkeys seized  Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback
 softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park
 button-layout 7931 2
ephone-dn  8
ephone-dn  9
 number BCD no-reg primary
 description MoH
 moh out-call ABC
ephone-dn  20  dual-line
 number 211 no-reg primary
 label 211
 description 211
 name 211
ephone-dn  21  dual-line
 number 212 no-reg primary
 label 212
 description 212
 name 212
ephone-dn  22  dual-line
 number 213 no-reg primary
 label 213
 description 213
 name 213
ephone-dn  23  dual-line
 number 214 no-reg primary
 label 214
 description 214
 name 214
ephone-dn  24  dual-line
 number 215 no-reg primary
 label 215
 description 215
 name 215
ephone-dn  25  dual-line
 number 216 no-reg primary
 label 216
 description 216
 name 216
ephone-dn  26  dual-line
 number 217 no-reg primary
 label 217
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 name 217
ephone-dn  27  dual-line
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 label 218
 description 218
 name 218
ephone-dn  28  dual-line
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 label 219
 description 219
 name 219
ephone-dn  29  dual-line
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 label 220
 description 220
 name 220
ephone-dn  30  dual-line
 number 221 no-reg primary
 label 221
 description 221
 name 221
ephone-dn  31  dual-line
 number 222 no-reg primary
 label 222
 description 222
 name 222
ephone-dn  32  dual-line
 number 223 no-reg primary
 label 223
 description 223
 name 223
ephone-dn  33  dual-line
 number 224 no-reg primary
 label 224
 description 224
 name 224
ephone-dn  34  dual-line
 number 225 no-reg primary
 label 225
 description 225
 name 225
ephone-dn  35  dual-line
 number 226 no-reg primary
 label 226
 description 226
 name 226
ephone-dn  36  dual-line
 number 227 no-reg primary
 label 227
 description 227
 name 227
ephone-dn  37  dual-line
 number 228 no-reg primary
 label 228
 description 228
 name 228
ephone-dn  38  dual-line
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 label 229
 description 229
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ephone-dn  39  dual-line
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 label 230
 description 230
 name 230
ephone-dn  40  dual-line
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 label 231
 description 231
 name 231
ephone-dn  41  dual-line
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 label 232
 description 232
 name 232
ephone-dn  42  dual-line
 number 233 no-reg primary
 label 233
 description 233
 name 233
ephone-dn  43  dual-line
 number 234 no-reg primary
 label 234
 description 234
 name 234
ephone-dn  44  dual-line
 number 235 no-reg primary
 label 235
 description 235
 name 235
ephone-dn  45  dual-line
 number 236 no-reg primary
 label 236
 description 236
 name 236
ephone-dn  46  dual-line
 number 237 no-reg primary
 label 237
 description 237
 name 237
ephone-dn  47  dual-line
 number 238 no-reg primary
 label 238
 description 238
 name 238
ephone-dn  48  dual-line
 number 239 no-reg primary
 label 239
 description 239
 name 239
ephone-dn  49  dual-line
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 label 240
 description 240
 name 240
ephone-dn  50  dual-line
 number 241 no-reg primary
 label 241
 description 241
 name 241
ephone-dn  51  dual-line
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 label 242
 description 242
 name 242
ephone-dn  52  dual-line
 number 243 no-reg primary
 label 243
 description 243
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ephone-dn  53  dual-line
 number 244 no-reg primary
 label 244
 description 244
 name 244
ephone-dn  54  dual-line
 number 245 no-reg primary
 label 245
 description 245
 name 245
ephone-dn  55  dual-line
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 label 246
 description 246
 name 246
ephone-dn  56  dual-line
 number 247 no-reg primary
 label 247
 description 247
 name 247
ephone-dn  57  dual-line
 number 248 no-reg primary
 label 248
 description 248
 name 248
ephone-dn  58  dual-line
 number 249 no-reg primary
 label 249
 description 249
 name 249
ephone-dn  59  dual-line
 number 250 no-reg primary
 label 250
 description 250
 name 250
ephone-dn  60  dual-line
 number 251 no-reg primary
 label 251
 description 251
 name 251
ephone-dn  61  dual-line
 number 252 no-reg primary
 label 252
 description 252
 name 252
ephone-dn  62  dual-line
 number 253 no-reg primary
 label 253
 description 253
 name 253
ephone-dn  63  dual-line
 number 254 no-reg primary
 label 254
 description 254
 name 254
ephone-dn  64  dual-line
 number 255 no-reg primary
 label 255
 description 255
 name 255
ephone-dn  65  dual-line
 number 256 no-reg primary
 label 256
 description 256
 name 256
ephone-dn  66  dual-line
 number 257 no-reg primary
 label 257
 description 257
 name 257
ephone-dn  67  dual-line
 number 258 no-reg primary
 label 258
 description 258
 name 258
ephone-dn  68  dual-line
 number 259 no-reg primary
 label 259
 description 259
 name 259
ephone-dn  69  dual-line
 number 260 no-reg primary
 label 260
 description 260
 name 260
ephone-dn  70  dual-line
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 label 261
 description 261
 name 261
ephone-dn  71  dual-line
 number 262 no-reg primary
 label 262
 description 262
 name 262
ephone-dn  72  dual-line
 number 263 no-reg primary
 label 263
 description 263
 name 263
ephone-dn  73  dual-line
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 label 264
 description 264
 name 264
ephone-dn  74  dual-line
 number 265 no-reg primary
 label 265
 description 265
 name 265
ephone-dn  75  dual-line
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 label 266
 description 266
 name 266
ephone-dn  76  dual-line
 number 267 no-reg primary
 label 267
 description 267
 name 267
ephone-dn  77  dual-line
 number 268 no-reg primary
 label 268
 description 268
 name 268
ephone-dn  78  dual-line
 number 269 no-reg primary
 label 269
 description 269
 name 269
ephone-dn  79  dual-line
 number 270 no-reg primary
 label 270
 description 270
 name 270
ephone-dn  80  dual-line
 number 271 no-reg primary
 label 271
 description 271
 name 271
ephone-dn  81  dual-line
 number 272 no-reg primary
 label 272
 description 272
 name 272
ephone-dn  82  dual-line
 number 273 no-reg primary
 label 273
 description 273
 name 273
ephone-dn  83  dual-line
 number 274 no-reg primary
 label 274
 description 274
 name 274
ephone-dn  84  dual-line
 number 275 no-reg primary
 label 275
 description 275
 name 275
ephone-dn  85  dual-line
 number 276 no-reg primary
 label 276
 description 276
 name 276
ephone-dn  86  dual-line
 number 277 no-reg primary
 label 277
 description 277
 name 277
ephone-dn  87  dual-line
 number 278 no-reg primary
 label 278
 description 278
 name 278
ephone-dn  88  dual-line
 number 279 no-reg primary
 label 279
 description 279
 name 279
ephone-dn  89  dual-line
 number 280 no-reg primary
 label 280
 description 280
 name 280
ephone-dn  90  dual-line
 number 281 no-reg primary
 label 281
 description 281
 name 281
ephone-dn  91  dual-line
 number 282 no-reg primary
 label 282
 description 282
 name 282
ephone-dn  92  dual-line
 number 283 no-reg primary
 label 283
 description 283
 name 283
ephone-dn  93  dual-line
 number 284 no-reg primary
 label 284
 description 284
 name 284
ephone-dn  94  dual-line
 number 285 no-reg primary
 label 285
 description 285
 name 285
ephone-dn  95  dual-line
 number 286 no-reg primary
 label 286
 description 286
 name 286
ephone-dn  96  dual-line
 number 287 no-reg primary
 label 287
 description 287
 name 287
ephone-dn  97  dual-line
 number 288 no-reg primary
 label 288
 description 288
 name 288
ephone-dn  98  dual-line
 number 289 no-reg primary
 label 289
 description 289
 name 289
ephone-dn  99  dual-line
 number 290 no-reg primary
 label 290
 description 290
 name 290
ephone-dn  100  dual-line
 number 291 no-reg primary
 label 291
 description 291
 name 291
ephone-dn  101  dual-line
 number 292 no-reg primary
 label 292
 description 292
 name 292
ephone-dn  102  dual-line
 number 293 no-reg primary
 label 293
 description 293
 name 293
ephone-dn  103  dual-line
 number 294 no-reg primary
 label 294
 description 294
 name 294
ephone-dn  104  dual-line
 number 295 no-reg primary
 label 295
 description 295
 name 295
ephone-dn  105  dual-line
 number 296 no-reg primary
 label 296
 description 296
 name 296
ephone-dn  106  dual-line
 number 297 no-reg primary
 label 297
 description 297
 name 297
ephone-dn  107  dual-line
 number 298 no-reg primary
 label 298
 description 298
 name 298
ephone-dn  108  dual-line
 number 299 no-reg primary
 label 299
 description 299
 name 299
ephone-dn  109  dual-line
 number 310 no-reg primary
 label 310
 description 310
 name 310
ephone-dn  110  dual-line
 number 311 no-reg primary
 label 311
 description 311
 name 311
ephone-dn  111  dual-line
 number 312 no-reg primary
 label 312
 description 312
 name 312
ephone-dn  112  dual-line
 number 313 no-reg primary
 label 313
 description 313
 name 313
ephone-dn  113  dual-line
 number 314 no-reg primary
 label 314
 description 314
 name 314
ephone-dn  585  dual-line
 number 2001 no-reg primary
 label 2001
 description Phone
 name Reception Phone
ephone-dn  586  dual-line
 number 2012 no-reg primary
 label 2012
 description Aziz Aziz
 name Aziz Aziz
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  587  dual-line
 number 2011 no-reg primary
 label 2011
 description Omary M
 name Omary M
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  588  dual-line
 number 2010 no-reg primary
 label 2010
 description Board Room
 name Board Room
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  589  dual-line
 number 2009 no-reg primary
 label 2009
 description Kitchen Phone
 name Kitchen Phone
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  590  dual-line
 number 2008 no-reg primary
 label 2008
 description IT Phone
 name IT Phone
ephone-dn  591  dual-line
 number 2007 no-reg primary
 label 2007
 description Education Phone
 name Education Phone
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  592  dual-line
 number 2006 no-reg primary
 label 2006
 description Boniface Mbunju
 name Boniface Mbunju
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  593  dual-line
 number 2005 no-reg primary
 label 2005
 description Lisha Lala
 name Lisha Lala
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  595  dual-line
 number 2003 no-reg primary
 label 2003
 description Seline Ngoye
 name Seline Ngoye
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  596  dual-line
 number 2002 no-reg primary
 label 2002
 description Abid Mallick
 name Abid Mallick
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  597  dual-line
 number 2004 no-reg primary
 label 2004
 name Anita Jonas
 call-forward busy 2099
 call-forward noan 2099 timeout 20
ephone-dn  598  dual-line
 number 2000 no-reg primary
 label 2000
 description Reception
 name Reception Phone
ephone-dn  599
 number A801.... no-reg primary
 mwi off
ephone-dn  600
 number A800.... no-reg primary
 mwi on
ephone  1
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.33BD
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "IT" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:590
ephone  2
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.3036
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "Reception" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:598 2:585
ephone  3
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.5454
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "AJonas" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:597
ephone  6
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.5453
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "EPhone" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:591
ephone  7
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.5465
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "AAziz" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:586
ephone  9
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.5411
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "BRoom" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:588
ephone  10
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.33AE
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "BMbunju" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:592
ephone  11
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.266F
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "GPhone" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:587
ephone  12
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F36D.FBF2
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "SNgoye" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:595
ephone  13
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.267F
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "LLala" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:593
ephone  15
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.2BA9
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "AHasham" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:596
ephone  16
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 649E.F3B1.16CF
 ephone-template 16
 max-calls-per-button 2
 username "Kitchen" password 123456
 type 6921
 button  1:589
ephone-hunt 1 longest-idle
 pilot 5001
 list 2000, 2001
 timeout 3, 3
 no-reg pilot
 statistics collect
alias exec cca_voice_mode PBX
banner login ^CCisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 3.2 (2). Thu Jan 10
09:45:54 EAT 2013^C
line con 0
 no modem enable
line aux 0
line 2
 no activation-character
 no exec
 transport preferred none
 transport input all
 speed 115200
line vty 0 4
 access-class 2 in
 transport input all
line vty 5 132
 access-class 2 in
 transport input all
ntp master

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