[cisco-voip] TAC Support for Unsupported Configurations

Ryan Huff ryanhuff at outlook.com
Tue Sep 10 17:48:06 EDT 2019

Wow, this one hits home..

I’ve found (and this is just my experience, which is entirely subjective) that, if in a dire moment of need, on a Saturday morning at 12:12 AM EST, if you show a humanness to yourself, TAC will show moments of kindness ... supporting the statement that yes indeed, it really is about whether the TAC agent wants to help or not.

Personally, I’ve never experienced a TAC agent that hit me with the, “call me back when you fix XYZ” scenario. I’ve heard it discussed in the community before but have always considered it as lore.

I suppose it’s all about the individual scenario; if I open a case on a c220 M3S/Xeon E5-26xx with 14 physical cores allocated ... I’d expect to have the phone hung up on me, but perhaps not (speaking from real life experience). Some times you find some truly exceptional TAC agents..


On Sep 10, 2019, at 17:30, Anthony Holloway <avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:

Why do I get the feeling that you're speaking from experience, with that crazy setup?

That's kind of been my experience too, just to confirm.  I have had mixed results with TAC in the past, on how far they were willing to go for me.  It's definitely a human experience.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 3:35 PM Charles Goldsmith <w at woka.us<mailto:w at woka.us>> wrote:
I think he's conflicted :)

I've always been told that it's best effort, and as you stated, probably how much effort the TAC engineer wants to put into it.  It is likely handled on a case by case basis as well as their queue/work load.  If you come in there trying to run CUCM 8.0 on VMware fusion on an AMD based MACOS that is connected to a CUBE running in GNS3, they may not be in a hurry to help you :)

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 2:05 PM Anthony Holloway <avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com<mailto:avholloway%2Bcisco-voip at gmail.com>> wrote:
Or maybe it's just up to the assigned TAC Engineer to decide whether they want to work the case or not?


Source: https://community.cisco.com/t5/contact-center/agent-login-failure-uccx-finesse-ver-10-6-1/m-p/2870582/highlight/true#M92340<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.cisco.com%2Ft5%2Fcontact-center%2Fagent-login-failure-uccx-finesse-ver-10-6-1%2Fm-p%2F2870582%2Fhighlight%2Ftrue%23M92340&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ce35a0a58804d456e7f2308d7363609b2%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637037478026829646&sdata=Y0RPkzwJcOCwpYaIcKAfQ2AXQKTmkFYX5qjtxjxq27A%3D&reserved=0>


Source: https://community.cisco.com/t5/contact-center/uccx-11-5-1-finesse-jabber-em-7841/m-p/3091142/highlight/true#M100912<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.cisco.com%2Ft5%2Fcontact-center%2Fuccx-11-5-1-finesse-jabber-em-7841%2Fm-p%2F3091142%2Fhighlight%2Ftrue%23M100912&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ce35a0a58804d456e7f2308d7363609b2%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637037478026839651&sdata=h1T1%2BtOrFRPvQRI%2FM18%2F5lMq34pb9MI%2BIMzNbd%2BegfU%3D&reserved=0>

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