[e-nsp] Extreme newbie questions...

Thilo Bangert thilo.bangert at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 14:37:19 EDT 2013

On Tuesday 06 August 2013 17:24:33 Simon Lockhart wrote:
> 3) I'm configuring ACLs for SSH, telnet, etc, using a policy file, and then
>    "configure ssh2 access-profile mgmt-acl" in the config. This appears to
> do what I expect, but I then can't edit the policy without removing it from
> the config, and the policy files aren't easy to paste onto the switch when
> building a new config. Is there a better way to do this? (Oh, and Rancid
> doesn't seem to backup the policy files)

# refresh policy <pol>

after you have edited the file should do the trick.

see also the

ExtremeXOS Concepts Guide Software Version 15.3.2



kind regards

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