Buffing Knobs and other plastic parts

Bill Coleman AA4LR aa4lr at RADIO.ORG
Wed Apr 28 11:20:14 EDT 1999

A friend of mine restores AM radios of the 40's and 50's as a hobby. One
thing he does with these old radios is use a buffing wheel mounted in a
bench grinder motor to restore the plastic cases and knobs to their
original luster.

I mentioned this before, and several of you inquired as to where one can
obtain such a buffing wheel.

I talked to my friend this weekend. He indicated that the buffing wheel
is nothing special. You can obtain them at your local Home Depot. It is
an assembly of short, rag-like bits of cloth arranged in a wheel.

You should also look for buffing compound that is sold in the same area
as the wheels. The compound comes in short "sticks" and there are
different compounds for different types of materials. Using the compound
is important. You just have to hold the stick agains the buffing wheel
for a bit, and this "loads up" the wheel with the compound. You can then
buff away.

Be warned that small parts can be thrown by the wheel with considerable
force. Use a strong tool -- such as pliers to hold onto such parts.
Always wear eye protection.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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