Can Tenna

Tom Bowman tbowman at NBN.NET
Sun Aug 1 09:39:56 EDT 1999

When I built my Cantenna in 1975, I measured the resistance
after it was assembled and I had poured oil into the can.
It measured 41 ohms. Since the resistor was coated with oil,
I decided not to send it back to Heathkit for a replacement.

Again, this was before using the Cantenna.

I suspect there are more Cantennas with faulty elements
out there.



At 07:26 PM 7/28/99 -0400, Steve and Anne Ray wrote:
>I built my Heath Can Tenna about 20 years ago.  Recently I did some
>rerouting of the RF cables with a new Antenna Switch.  I noted the SWR was
>about 1.2 to 1.3 to one with the Can Tenna yet when I used a small QRP dummy
>load the SWR was flat, the resistance of the QRP dummy load was 51 ohms.  I
>then went on to measure the resistance of the Can Tenna and found it to be
>41 ohms, obviously this was the cause of the 1.2 SWR.  I have never had a
>rig that runs more than 100 Watts so I don't see how I could ever over heat
>it.  Has anyone else run into this where the Can Tenna has changed
>resistance by such a significant percentage?
>Steve Ray K4JPN ex K1VKW HW-101, HW-8, SWL 30-40,
>Pixie II, NC 38S, OHR 100A 30 M and Heath Kit fan
>Warner Robins, Georgia
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  <><     Tom Bowman, WA3REY, Mount Gretna, PA 17064

                   tbowman at     QRP-L #125


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