Keeping Track of Small Parts

Christian Fandt cfandt at NETSYNC.NET
Sat Jan 15 12:04:03 EST 2000

Upon the date 06:39 AM 1/15/00 -0800, Mike Hardie said something like:
>Fellow Do-It-Yourselfers:
>I saw a neat trick to prevent losing small parts such as screws washers etc
>when disassembling radios.  A  2" wide piece of masking tape about 6" long
>was stuck to the bench sticky side up by folding the ends over about 1/2",
>then as a radio is disasssembled the parts can be placed on (or stuck to)
>the tape in an order or pattern that helps with re-assembly.
>Mike at: hardiem at

Golly Mike, I thought the best way to keep track of small parts is to build
a workshop with suspended shelving, benches and stools (no legs for parts
to hide behind), perfectly flat floor in a very small room with linoleum
tile with smoothly sculptured cove base moulding all in a solid grey-white
color and with very bright lighting. A door sweep should be attached to the
bottom of the door which would typically used to stop drafts and escaping
parts. Better to have a slightly cup-formed floor in which parts will roll
toward the center! Wear light colored clothing with few folds and pockets.
A white lab coat could suffice. Keep beards and hair trimmed short!  :-)

You see, one of the most common problems while working with small parts
which like to escape captivity is that one or more will run for the floor
to seek safety. If there is a clear field of view for us to easily see them
then they have no chance for permanent escape ;-)

Regards,  Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt,         Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY  USA      cfandt at
        Member of Antique Wireless Association

Sponsored by the City of Tempe 

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