Just say no! :-)

john johnmb at MINDSPRING.COM
Sun Jul 23 07:25:03 EDT 2000

>I have tried this numerous times and it works.
>Do not use the "dry" cycle.
>I hand fill the dish washer with luke warm water (and soap, depending on
what part of the
>cycle you are on) to make sure the water is not to hot.

With all due respect regarding this method...
I've seen this suggested several times, and I'd _really_ have second and
third thoughts about this. Dishwasher soap is incredibly caustic...I'd
certainly never let it near pots/meters/IF coils/transformers.

Part of the joy of restoring this gear is taking careful, craftsmanlike care
of them. Blasting them with hot soapy water stands a very good chance
of ruining that which we're trying to restore.

Why hurry? Take your time and enjoy the experience! If you clean
your gear by hand and miss a spec or two,  it'll never be a big deal. If you
douse your gear in water and ruin it, you'll forever be kicking yourself
in the backside (anatomically impossible but emotionally quite do-able!)


John Brewer - WB5OAU/4
AMI #24
Clayton NC
johnmb at mindspring.com

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