Unbuilt Kit Mania

Jack Crenshaw jcrens at EARTHLINK.NET
Sun Feb 11 07:22:51 EST 2001

"Harvey A. Kader" wrote:

> It just keeps on getting better and better! Last year I was fortunate to
> purchase two unbuilt Heathkit VTVMs for approximately $150.00 each
> through internet auction.

Gee, at this point, I'd pay the $150 just to get the brand new _PROBE_!!! <g>

I bought an unbuilt of one of those tri-power regulated supplied (from Datapro).
I think the price was $200.  Very fair.

> That is an over 200% increase. And
> these kits are not even Heathkits! So, unbuilt anything is going up as
> more people discover unbuilt kits at the internet auctions.

Sounds like someone could start a business just selling kits again.
Remember Southwest Technical Products? That's all they did.  They worked with
magazines like Popular Electronics.  Whenever someone came out with a build-it
article, they'd work up a "kit."  What you got was a bag of parts and a copy of the
magazine article; no manual as such.  But it was a great deal, and I bought a ton of
their digital module kits.

> This actually applies to anything of value on the internet auctions.
> Another example, NOS tubes have gone up over 100% over the past year at
> the internet auctions.

Saw a pair of 300B's going for $1300 <!>.


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