Help DX-60 / VF-1 vfo

Jerry Kitterman kitt5 at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon Nov 12 20:16:34 EST 2001


   I recently downloaded the partial manual for the VF-1 vfo on BAMA and
discovered that the schematic and associated material just does not give me
enough info to figure out how to run the dx-60 with the vf-1.  Also, there
is a note in the dx-60 manual telling about a mod to the wiring of the vf-1
to run with the dx-60.  I find that the vf-1 schematic does not have any
voltages listed and the pinout's on the plug to the dx-60 also does not
give me enough info to figure out how to wire the vf-1 for the xmtr.

  Also, I was wondering if it would not be smart to check out and probably
replace several if not all of the resistor's and cap's in the old vf-1. I
figure that stability on the vf-1 will also probably be a big issue.

  TIA for any and all info pertaining to this gear.  Anybody out there have
a reasonably priced hg-10 or similar vfo to use with the dx-60 ??


--- Jerry Kitterman
--- kitt5 at
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