SB-400 Question

Kechkaylo Dave (ATLINKS) KechkayloD at TCE.COM
Tue Nov 13 08:17:06 EST 2001

To All:

A big "thank you" to all those who responded to my SB-400 question. I guess
most everyone's in agreement that the SB-400/SB-401s are a little low on RF
output power. I wonder: when I was at Heath, I do remember being able to get
full RF output according to the published Heath specs; i.e., 100W 80 thru
15, then 80W, minimum, on 10M. Heath's specs could almost always be met.
Usually, I would be able to see 125 watts on 80 thru 20, then about 95 to 85
watts on 15 & 10M, respectively. Hmmmm. Yes, my Bird wattmeter there at
Heath was calibrated with a good slug installed.

I'm not so used to working on vacuum tube-based rigs, but I've been kinda
stumped with this SB-400. One thing though: I think the HV is a bit low on
key down, and maybe this would account for some of the lower RF power
readings. Yeah, I know, what's the big deal about a 1dB or 2dB! I just
wanted to see if this SB-400 had a REAL problem, and its worth saving: it's
in MINT condition.

Again, thanks.

Dave Kechkaylo, W8DLK/9

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