K-1 Reproduction (Heathkit All-Wave Beginner's Receiver)

Robert Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Sat Apr 5 17:47:25 EDT 2008

Sounds like a neat undertaking. For my own part, I would have no problem with:
1.    Replacing the 12A6 (rectifier substitute) with a 1N4007 or the like. Maybe this could be optional so that those who wanted to remain closest to the real thing could use the 12A6.  For myself, I'm looking for the feel and the performance and the choice of rectifier does not matter.

2.    Modern transformers -again no problem. Reality rules.

3.    On another vein, it would be nice to have an option to just buy the plans for those of us who would just like to roll our own. 

4.   Similarly it would be very nice if the kit(s) included copies of the original article(s), any relevant words of wisdom from past or current Heathkit people or collectors who have some knowledge of the product. These could be on a CD ROM.

I'm waiting!  Very cool idea.

Bob Groh
"Heathkit engineer 1971 to 1981"

----- Original Message ----
From: Ken Ketner <ketner at ARISBEASSOCIATES.COM>
Sent: Saturday, April 5, 2008 11:57:40 AM
Subject: [HEATH-TEMPE] K-1 Reproduction (Heathkit All-Wave Beginner's Receiver)

Greetings Heath fans:

I have resolved to reproduce the Heathkit K-1. I have a good stock of parts from the period. I also have a copy of the book by A.F. Collins in which the radio is featured (THE RADIO AMATEUR 'S HANDBOOK, ninth edition, pages 133 following). This write-up includes the circuit and some isometric views of top and bottom chassis, plus a foto of the front panel in an assembled unit. I could probably make a pretty decent working model from this much information, but I hope to do better, trying to approach the original as much as possible.

I have ordered a manual from Heathkit Ed. Systems, with assistance from "The Ham still at Heath." And Keith has sent me some nice scans of the Collins book pages.

A good next step would be access to someone who has an eyeball on an actual instance of the radio as it came from Heath. Looking at an original would give the following info:

1. Dimensions of chassis and panel, including hole layouts

2. Coil information, including both electrical and mechanical construction.
Also, I have some 6 volt filament power xfmrs, but don't seem to have a 12 volt xfmr. I may have to go modern on this part. Anyone know a good one? The tubes are available from Antique Electronic Supply for very reasonable prices (1.50 and 3.00). It seems a shame to wire up one of the 12A6 beam power tetrodes as a diode for the power supply, But no doubt that was a cheap way to get a power diode in the days of the WWII surplus bonanza.  

3. What punched those nice keyed holes for the tube sockets? I assume a Greenlee or something similar. The Amphenol socket system with the nice wavy ring mount was used, and a plain circle hole will work, but a keyed hole is mo nifty. Are these keyed punches available only on Mars nowadays?

4. Details on the factory cabinet?

5. How to screen a new panel. Are there companies who can create a new screen job on the panel, assuming an original panel can be located or photographed?
I will be happy to put together a compendium of information on this project for all to share if I am able to complete it to my satisfaction.

Penson - are you in the net? Got any expert stuff to contribute to this effort?

vy 73,

Ken Ketner
ARS KA5ELD (Extra Class) ARRL, RSGB, GQRP #809
        Personal Webpage: http://www.wyttynys.net
        Office Webpage: http://www.pragmaticism.net
    home:    ketner(at)arisbeassociates(dot)com
    office: kenneth(dot)ketner(at)ttu(dot)edu

PO Box 65135
Lubbock, TX 79464

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