[j-nsp] Issues with 6.2R1.5

Lars Erik Gullerud lerik at nolink.net
Fri Mar 19 14:00:20 EST 2004

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 18:07, Niaz, Wajahat wrote:

> After upgrading to 6.2R1.5 I am getting memory errors on the M10.  We were
> running 4.4R3.4 for Years without having any problem and then Juniper told
> us to upgrade to 6.2 as they are not supporting 4.4 Release any more.  After
> the upgrade the memory errors were so intense that we had to shut down our
> transit interface. This router is running BGP and OSPF and is receiving full
> table from the transit provider.  Does anyone on mailing list point me to
> the right direction ? 

I would actually suspect that you do in fact HAVE bad memory in your
router. We saw this kind of behaviour when we upgraded an M40 from 4.4
to 5.2 quite some time ago - suddenly the router started spitting out
loads of log messages about "correctable ECC error recovered", regarding
the memory in one of our FPC cards. I believe this manifested itself
only after the upgrade because 4.x did not have ECC memory monitoring,
and since these were single-bit errors that the ECC chips corrected, we
were happily unaware of the memory in fact starting to fail. But ECC
memory monitoring was added somewhere in 5.x, IIRC, which is why the
logfiles suddenly started warning us about this.

Since you have already apparently talked to Juniper regarding this
upgrade, why not just give JTAC the errors you are seeing and they can
confirm if this is in fact what you are experiencing, and you can then
RMA the necessary components?


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