[j-nsp] Adaptive LSPs

Jerome Fleury jeje at jeje.org
Mon Feb 21 06:57:32 EST 2005


I'm using RSVP LSPs where bandwidth reservation can go up to 50% of my link
bandwidth. I've noticed frequent rerouting when autobandwidth does its
'make-before-break' call.

When reading the Juniper docs, it says that when this occurs, I may have
double-counting issues, which would explain the rerouting of the LSP. And
the doc also states that one should use 'adaptive' LSP for such purposes.


I'm a bit concerned that this 'adaptive' knob is not enabled by default as
it looks to me to be the 'right way of doing things'. Before widely
deploying them, I'd like to know if there are potential "cons" of using
'adaptive' LSPs which would explain why it's not enabled by default.



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