[j-nsp] Per packet load balancing

David Ball davidtball at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 10:46:28 EDT 2007

  The following URL may help to explain:


  as would the official JUNOS doc on the matter:


   As for workarounds, sounds like getting the Internet Processor I
ASIC would be the only way (and I can't help but think that such a
move would be generally discouraged).

NB: the first site is neither affiliated nor endorsed by Juniper
Networks..but contains good info.


On 20/09/2007, Nick Kraal <nick at arc.net.my> wrote:
> Dear all,
> As I understand it, Juniper routers do not support per packet load
> balancing on multiple interfaces similar to Cisco, and only in a per
> flow fashion.
> Is there is any workaround for this?
> Regards,
> -nick/
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