[j-nsp] load balancing in Route reflector scenario

biwa net biwa2go at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 14:44:31 EDT 2011

Dear All

I have a setup where I need to load balancing routes received from 2 RR in
IPV4 environment (not VPN-IPV4)

I have my  PE (let's called PE1) connected to 2 RR (cluster), my destination
subnet eg: is behind 2 PE (PE-2 and PE3) which are also client
of the same 2RR

PE-2 and PE3 are sending the same route to the RR ,  which as
per normal behavior is selecting the best route to PE1  ,

My issue is that RR is always advertising the route through PE2
(due to lower router id) as best path and I would like to load balanced it
through PE2 and PE3

Anyone can recommend a way to load balance ?

Unfortunately I dont have a lab to test any solution and there are live
traffic on this ,so all I can do is guessing is whether the below 2 option
would work or not.

2 option I have

1.So here I am trying to thinking about testing the multipath command under
the RR configuration  to see if I am receiving routes from both PE or not ,

2.  try to put all devices them in routing instance VRF , with the BGP
configuration under it (both RR and client) , and RD configured in the VRF
(but not putting any vpn family under bgp) so that it stays IPV4 routes ,
maybe I could cheat the RR to believe these are 2 differentes routes due to
the RD, but dont know if this works or not .

anyone has had similar issue and found a workaround ?

does the 2 option above actually work or not ?

thanks for any input

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