[j-nsp] juniper / mx series fib usage information?

Michael Hare michael.hare at doit.wisc.edu
Tue Feb 8 20:08:21 EST 2011


A quick google didn't help; is there a way to tell how much space you 
have left in your FIB [absolute RAM, percentage, whatever], specifically 
for an MX with DPCs?

I am contemplating activating cymru fullbogons [v4/v6].  We currently 
carry about 350,000k v4 and 5000k v6 routes.

While initially I'm not worried, my gut tells me the v6 fullbogons feed 
will not be sustainable as it is already at 30k route for ~5k active v6 
announcements.  While their template doesn't suggest so, I plan to put 
in ingress prefix-limit maximum on their sessions to something 'reasonable'.

If I activate this, I'm hoping there is a better way to find out than 
the hard way [frantic syslogs when the FIB is full].


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