[j-nsp] prsearch missing in inaction

Nathan Ward juniper-nsp at daork.net
Mon May 13 09:25:29 EDT 2019

> On 14/05/2019, at 1:17 AM, Nathan Ward <juniper-nsp at daork.net> wrote:
>> On 9/05/2019, at 11:52 PM, Richard McGovern <rmcgovern at juniper.net <mailto:rmcgovern at juniper.net>> wrote:
>> Nathan, I am not sure what you want to hear, or what would make you satisfied, but YES Juniper [IT?] did screw-up, and a restore from back-up was/is not possible.  So this situation is now being worked on, unfortunately at a not so fast pace.  I hope you decide to stay with Juniper, as I feel there are far worse things one could be concerned about than this.
> Well, I was hoping that someone had an archive of it all somewhere.


There’s a PR subscription service mentioned in that KB.

If I sub, I only get future. Can you or someone else provide me with a history of that?

Nathan Ward

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