[j-nsp] gNMI on MX960

Jared Mauch jared at puck.nether.net
Thu Mar 7 10:51:05 EST 2024

> On Mar 7, 2024, at 10:48 AM, Sebastian Wiesinger via juniper-nsp <juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net> wrote:
> Hi Jared,
> thanks for the answer.
>> The second thing is, does your sensor path actually complete?
> What do you mean by complete?

[edit services analytics]
jared at Router# set sensor asdf resource ? 
Possible completions:
  <resource>           System resource identifier string
  /junos/services/health-monitor/config/  Health monitoring configuration
  /junos/services/health-monitor/data/  Health monitoring data
  /junos/services/ip-tunnel/usage/  PFE sensor for IP Tunnel statistics
  /junos/services/label-switched-path/usage/  PFE sensor for LSP statistics

>> You may want to try to use a UDP based sensor instead to start to
>> validate the platform will output what you expect, for example:
>> [..]
>> This will save a lot of effort/overhead of the certificates etc, and
>> let you make sure the code supports the sensors you expect, and you
>> can use protoc to add in the photo files that might be needed.
>> I’ve seen Juniper output invalid GPB in cases where the software
>> doesn’t support the sensors.
> I'll try to test it with your example config.
> The goal is to use Telegraf (which has a gNMI input plugin) to get
> gNMI data from multiple vendors (mostly Arista, Juniper) and output it
> to Prometheus and/or InfluxDB.

Yeah, I’ve had a lot of start-stop experience with this myself.

You also want to verify that the sensor paths are available in the code that you want, so are they actually in the tree:


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