[j-nsp] gNMI on MX960

Ebben Aries exa at juniper.net
Thu Mar 7 13:54:53 EST 2024

> "UNKNOWN:Error received from peer ipv4:
> {grpc_message:"Qos not supported", grpc_status:12,
> created_time:"2024-03-07T16:20:41.756921+01:00"}"

This would imply that the `qos` field is likely being populated in your
request message:


Which is unsupported in our implementation atm. (NOTE: there are various
fields within the APIs that could range in support across
implementations and/or may be on a path of deprecation and are also not

Am I to assume your JSON config is for the gnmi input plugin for
telegraf and is the complete config?  I don't belive this plugin
supports the qos field either so can you share the precise version you
are testing with?

How about results with another client such as gNMIc targeting this same

The OpenConfig path `/interfaces/interface/state/counters` is supported
on the version you are indicating

> set system services extension-service request-response grpc
> skip-authentication

Remove this knob - it is unnecessary and will be removed at some point
in the near future.  For now (and this plugin), the username/password
would be populated as gRPC metadata (HTTP2 headers)

> Okay, I see a lot of paths starting with /junos/ but no openconfig
> paths there (like the one I'm testing
> /interfaces/interface/state/counters). Don't know if that's expected.

In your current version, we did not enumerate all supported paths in
this config completion.  Note, this portion of the implementation is
also separate from the gNMI side but can glean some level of "path

You can also use the following command (currently hidden today as we
rework it's intent)

  show agent sensor-capability

> Huh okay that's weird, Junos 21.2R3 is not listed at all on that page,
> even though 20.2 and 20.4 are? But that might be a hint, I'll try one
> of the releases from that page that have support for the path I want!

Our classical telemetry explorer may give you inaccurate results for the
data you are looking for unfortunately.  This is reworked into the
following rather:


However applies to more recent versions.

In either case, the path you are looking for right now, is supported on
the version you are describing - issue is most likely how the request
message is constructed in the gNMI subscribe RPC

> You may want to try to use a UDP based sensor instead

If the goal is gNMI, then I suggest sticking with that.  If you want to
eliminate any TLS for testing/troubleshooting, then you can swap out
your `ssl` hierarchy under the extension-service config for the hidden
`clear-text` variant.

On 2024-03-07 17:08:48, Sebastian Wiesinger via juniper-nsp wrote:
> [External Email. Be cautious of content]
> * Jared Mauch via juniper-nsp <juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net> [2024-03-07 16:51]:
> > > What do you mean by complete?
> >
> >
> > [edit services analytics]
> > jared at Router# set sensor asdf resource ?
> > Possible completions:
> >   <resource>           System resource identifier string
> >   /junos/services/health-monitor/config/  Health monitoring configuration
> >   /junos/services/health-monitor/data/  Health monitoring data
> >   /junos/services/ip-tunnel/usage/  PFE sensor for IP Tunnel statistics
> >   /junos/services/label-switched-path/usage/  PFE sensor for LSP statistics
> Okay, I see a lot of paths starting with /junos/ but no openconfig
> paths there (like the one I'm testing
> /interfaces/interface/state/counters). Don't know if that's expected.
> > > The goal is to use Telegraf (which has a gNMI input plugin) to get
> > > gNMI data from multiple vendors (mostly Arista, Juniper) and output it
> > > to Prometheus and/or InfluxDB.
> >
> > Yeah, I’ve had a lot of start-stop experience with this myself.
> >
> > You also want to verify that the sensor paths are available in the code that you want, so are they actually in the tree:
> >
> > https://apps.juniper.net/telemetry-explorer/select-software?software=Junos%20OS%20Evolved&release=23.1R1&moduleId=All&platform=all&tagId=420294&tagName=lldp
> Huh okay that's weird, Junos 21.2R3 is not listed at all on that page,
> even though 20.2 and 20.4 are? But that might be a hint, I'll try one
> of the releases from that page that have support for the path I want!
> Best Regards
> Sebastian
> --
>             -- Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
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