[Outages-discussion] Fwd: [outages] facebook slow
Russell Zen
russellzen at outlook.com
Tue Nov 20 10:40:41 EST 2018
The fact that some people on this distro think Facebook DOESN'T provide business critical services tells me there is lack of awareness among some distro users. Just because a service might not be used in your particular employer or surrounding territory does not mean it just magically does not exist or isn't significant enough to call out on a distro list about outages.
What I'm seeing increasingly here (not just with facebook but other outages like YouTube, Google, Slack, etc) is either silo phenomena arrogance ("I just do network engineer stuff and that's all I care about nothing else matters even if they share network impact") or just complete lack of awareness (like not knowing that slack is increasingly used by global dev/ops teams or that Facebook has OpenID like capabilities that are used for enterprise sign in at some organizations that are otherwise business critical).
I'm no mod, so I don't enact changes, but if there's a suggestion I'd make, it's regular (quarterly? Monthly?) one time emails that go out to subscribed users on updated trends so users know what to expect. A one time call out BY THE MODS THEMSELVES that Facebook outages are okay to call out apparently is not enough for some users, so...
Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>
From: Outages <outages-bounces at outages.org> on behalf of James Laszko via Outages <outages at outages.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 7:28:50 AM
To: Ferullo, Michael J.
Cc: outages at outages.org
Subject: Re: [outages] facebook slow
Not to be a negative Nancy, but the “me too‘s” are probably less valid of a post than the perceived less valuable social media outage posts.
Facebook does now host and provide business productivity tools, so does that change any relevance?
Happy Holidays!
James Laszko
Mythos Technology Inc
On Nov 20, 2018, at 7:25 AM, Ferullo, Michael J. via Outages <outages at outages.org<mailto:outages at outages.org>> wrote:
Also much in agreement here. I signed up for this list for exactly what Mike stated: meaningful business critical services. I’d suggest someone spearhead the creation of another list for anything “social media” related.
Michael J. Ferullo <www.hinckleyallen.com>
Systems Administrator
Hinckley Allen <http://www.hinckleyallen.com/>
28 State Street
Boston, MA 02109-1775
p: 617-378-4226 | f: 617-345-9020
mferullo at hinckleyallen.com<mailto:mferullo at hinckleyallen.com>
From: Outages <outages-bounces at outages.org<mailto:outages-bounces at outages.org>> On Behalf Of Steven McCrory via Outages
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 10:23 AM
To: 'Mike Bolitho' <mikebolitho at gmail.com<mailto:mikebolitho at gmail.com>>; outages at ics-il.net<mailto:outages at ics-il.net>; outages at outages.org<mailto:outages at outages.org>
Subject: Re: [outages] facebook slow
Wholeheartedly agree
From: Outages <outages-bounces at outages.org<mailto:outages-bounces at outages.org>> On Behalf Of Mike Bolitho via Outages
Sent: 20 November 2018 15:18
To: outages at ics-il.net<mailto:outages at ics-il.net>
Cc: outages at outages.org<mailto:outages at outages.org>
Subject: Re: [outages] facebook slow
I would encourage everyone to revisit the info page for the outages mailing list found here: https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/outages
"The purpose of this list is to have a central place to lookup and report so that end users & network operators know why their services (e-mail, phones, etc) went down eliminating the need to open tons of trouble tickets during a major event. One master ticket - such as fiber cut affect xxx OC48's would suffice. We hope this would empower users and network operators to post such events so that everyone could benefit from it. "
The list is for reporting outages on carrier networks and has grown to cloud services (AWS, Azure) as those have expanded. Facebook is not a provider of any meaningful business critical services, and therefore does not fit in this forum.
- Mike Bolitho
On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 7:57 AM Mike Hammett via Outages <outages at outages.org<mailto:outages at outages.org>> wrote:
Facebook is a fairly commonly used service.
Also, it's currently broken and has been so for about an hour.
Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions<http://secure-web.cisco.com/105opyZyNNLiLGlF1yoM0QSbPQe6gfXol140tqytrj_O9_I315Q9gSbBc6IkXVH0KC3dX0dYG24fw_k9pAxAM_75la4EK3fdJQnNzA-CX7jitUzyNvVSsUAS5VjGe5ZMdCwUqoZgMV3ZtNhlyaiqmtxZY1-Ohsq5peVy8bzzWe760lJB-HWUncs_P68XuXOUR0dOtK_nhy0Vk_qv57Poyz-YdhwqcfEerMx4EBo-3xB8baTgAzHz38b3T6MV5B9KSU4BdatFCaupPBL2qe9nzEg/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ics-il.com%2F>
Midwest Internet Exchange<http://www.midwest-ix.com/>
The Brothers WISP<http://secure-web.cisco.com/1FwZkVeDpigayFgrMjyqfZim4gJXMZM_XZAU1XIftns_qGv2KUfrt2UE4E6j3Jr1TbfoEujIthggmUEzqeyJaQ7Bgg_94KTAbHyrAZei1CbpTdqjgpB5mEGD_VVnRYlJhBrPfnvs2EbnK2JlaXB0XVuhe9JUzbPo6VDtK9G3o8RDHR01WbnFpG5sCsU3M4geBaZa6Sm0QJSXU3VnsxP2LNw25IvEd4jAHOQQSybDraVRloPPSFFO1kREXDwyWACbZzAsNU4YVPEpwZiwBvwjWDA/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thebrotherswisp.com%2F>
From: "Tanner Ryan via Outages" <outages at outages.org<mailto:outages at outages.org>>
To: "jimmy keffer" <horsezip at earthlink.net<mailto:horsezip at earthlink.net>>
Cc: outages at outages.org<mailto:outages at outages.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2018 8:50:40 AM
Subject: Re: [outages] facebook slow
I don’t see the point of sending this in the outages mailing list.
Tanner Ryan<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1fu4ggC10rNErrmEU-eiRWzagI_-sDOnXaEYE-yYCufmkNEVyWpB-2B3bayXrQSB7BeEsu2K4qOOYBgjPkgKsLUL-lpZ0M40UaChX6Eolc8M8VNl7y4XdKHyLHjXjwdCXBxwrTAQPNrOSAoreVrnoEjEI0kX__LxATQuT6inaRDuT7SroUEAX8zVEOhHFQkl_eWD1trLCg7PLQqM5IGsN0xj_3kXb-XsjmuDa4E59mj4-RwCc5ZnjbubNfOENqoYEt7mhspR9XihsGh6U1T1Kxg/https%3A%2F%2FTannerRyan.ca>
canadatechguy at gmail.com<mailto:canadatechguy at gmail.com>
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