[VoiceOps] SIP-I

Lee Riemer lriemer at bestline.net
Fri Aug 28 15:30:43 EDT 2009

On an AS5350 the command is:

signaling forward rawmsg
signaling forward unconditional

I haven't used this, but it might shine light on the AS5xxx series as an 
alternative platform.



Russell McConnachie wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on a project which requires me to deliver SIP-I signaling 
> to my carrier when originating outbound calls. Right now I have a 
> OpenSER Proxy which is setup as a registrar/location server, and forks 
> calls off-net to my carrier. 
> Initially they asked me to provide them with a JIP 
> (/Jurisdiction/ Information Parameter) which I applied to the From 
> header. Now they are asking that I send them all of the ISUP signaling 
> encoded as a MIME attachment in the SIP dialogs. Being that I haven't 
> worked with SIP-I before, I'm not exactly sure where to start, I was 
> looking at the Cisco PGW 2200 which is capable of doing the SIP<->ISUP 
> transaction mapping, do I have any other alternatives?
> Thanks
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