[VoiceOps] PDD: What's acceptable?

Eric Wieling EWieling at nyigc.com
Thu Jun 26 15:56:32 EDT 2014

Verizon Business (SIP) is now taking 30 seconds to reply with a 404 when calling a number which is not in service.   Started a week or two ago.  They have been less than helpful in the matter.

From: VoiceOps [mailto:voiceops-bounces at voiceops.org] On Behalf Of Nick Crocker
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 11:38 AM
To: David Thompson
Cc: VoiceOPS
Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] PDD: What's acceptable?

I would say 6 seconds is pushing it, a lot of peoples equipment will send a CANCEL once their PDD timer expires if there is no 18X response within 6-8 seconds.
With that said, we do not actively track it right now and handle PDD issues if they are reported to us and then pass them to the ULC that call egressed unless of course we are the reason for the delay which we rarely are.


On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:23 AM, David Thompson <dthompson at esi-estech.com<mailto:dthompson at esi-estech.com>> wrote:
Rural areas give us a lot of PDD as well.

David Thompson
Network Services Support Technician
(O) 858.357.8794<tel:858.357.8794>
(F) 858-225-1882<tel:858-225-1882>
(E) dthompson at esi-estech.com<mailto:dthompson at esi-estech.com>
(W) www.esi-estech.com<http://www.esi-estech.com>

-----Original Message-----
From: VoiceOps [mailto:voiceops-bounces at voiceops.org<mailto:voiceops-bounces at voiceops.org>] On Behalf Of Darren
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 7:02 PM
To: Jay Hennigan; voiceops at voiceops.org<mailto:voiceops at voiceops.org>
Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] PDD: What's acceptable?
On 6/25/14, 6:52 PM, "Jay Hennigan" <jay at west.net<mailto:jay at west.net>> wrote:

You think they would give us a 5XB ka-clunk-pop, some muted MF followed by
hiss, panel-clicks and a ker-chirp on answer if they're trying to emulate
the good old days.  :-)


At least that could be considered ³progress / early media² so the customer
would be aware their call is slowly being connected!!!

- Darren

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