For some reason you need enterprise/IP Plus to run dot1q.
The S stream team must not think SPs use dot1q.
I choose Enterprise as I needed other S stream type
features like IPv6 but IP+ should also work. You can check
the various combinations for yourself at
Hint. Look for IEEE 802.1q
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Sprickman []
Sent: 26 February 2002 19:44
Subject: [nsp] 3620, 12.0(21)S1, VLANs
I have the above version of SW on a 3620 and a 7206. On the 7206, I am
able to create vlans on my FE interfaces (ie : in faste 1/0.2 -> encaps
dot1q etc.). On the 3620, the "encapsulation" command is not available.
Am I missing something or does the service provider version version not
support vlans on the 3620? If it does not, what's a good version that
will get me ssh, the snmp fix, vlans and ospf with few other frills?
| Charles Sprickman | Internet Channel
| INCH System Administration Team | (212)243-5200
| |
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