[c-nsp] cpu usage of a 7200 npe-g2: disapointed

Christophe Fillot cf at utc.fr
Mon Sep 3 07:15:45 EDT 2007

Philippe Strauss a écrit :

> Hello,
> We replaced a 7200 NPE400 with a NPE-G2 recently and are disapointed
> by the CPU usage: this router switches ~80kPPS in+out (~180Mbps), it
> was peaking at 55% CPU, now 40%, while the CPU clock is more that
> 4 time higher on the G2.
> currently running: c7200p-p-mz.122-31.SB7.bin
> was running 12.2.16-is
> any comment on this?
Rodney explained this in a previous thread:



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