Posts Tagged ‘cooperative’

Cooperative Internet

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

I’ve been researching what it would take to build a Fiber-to-the-Home solution to cover the areas that AT&T, Comcast and others refuse to service. Turns out the cost is actually not too bad.

The cost for running fiber appears to run around $26k/mile utilizing existing poles. Pole rent comes to around $5/year per pole. I’m making progress. If you happen to live near Scio Church and Parker and are interested in participating, please contact me.

It appears that homes can be connected for around $1000-2000 per home, and we could be break-even with a $50 price point (We would offer business services as well at a higher price, perhaps $150-200). These are all tentative numbers, as not all equipment and costs have been factored in.

The fiber could be installed for lower costs if homeowners dig their own trench across the property. This will allow conduit to be laid (which costs more than Aerial) but provides us the ability to access it easier.

You can also call me 734-408-1803 (google voice) any time to discuss your interest in this project.

Potential service areas include:

Parker Road, Liberty Road, Reese Lane, Oreo Court, Pinecross Lane, Wildwood Lane, Jerusalem Road, Musolf Lane, Malena Drive, Park Road, Country Road, Glen Court, Stiles Drive, Streiter Road, Honey Run Drive, Centenial Lane, Renz Court, Streiter Court, Lone Oak Drive, Tupelo Drive, Madrono Drive, Sitka Court, Morin Nature Circle, Gensley Road, Farm Lane, Waters Road, Duible Road, Ellsworth Road and Pleasant Lake Road.

a non-profit cooperative is the way to go, transparent finances, operation and the ability to learn computer skills from your neighbors!

I’m getting excited about the prospects the research is turning up.